September 1, 2009 - Niagara Falls, NY
Before the sun came up I got to work packing my entire cabin into my truck. I had packed much of my stuff the evening before and when I went out that morning to finish there was a layer of ice on everything in the bed of my truck. No joke I was freezing packing my truck on September 1! Bob, the man I rented my cabin from for the last year, came out and advised me that I should have “moved during the summer”…funny. After a tearful farewell with the Appletons and a delicious pancake breakfast with Keela and Mark we were off to Niagara Falls for the night. We pitched a tent at a KOA campground a few miles from the Falls and went exploring. It was my first time seeing the Falls and I was more than a little excited. I’m sure CJ has a couple stories of how goofy I was about experiencing them!
September 2, 2009 - Niagara Falls, NY
We hung out at the Falls all day! I experienced one of the highs of my life when we did the “Cav
e of the Winds” and got to walk around on catwalks under the American Falls! Standing on the deck closest to the Falls and feeling the water pound
down on me was one of the most exhilarating things I have ever experienced. Later, we had a picnic and played scrabble next to the Angel Falls before heading to CJ’s parents house in Sterling, NY for the night.
We hung out at the Falls all day! I experienced one of the highs of my life when we did the “Cav
September 3, 2009 – September 7, 2009 - Owasco Lake, NY
From Sterling we went to CJ’s parent’s cabin on Owasco Lake for a long Memorial Day weekend…five days long to be exact! We spent the days reading by the lake, whittling, fishing, stomping up the creek to waterfalls, playing ladderball, swinging on a huge rope swing, kneeboarding/tubing, relaxing on the porch, hunting for old bottles, and sitting around the fire. We were joined by Keela, Mark, Stacie, and Mike and I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all. The mood was so relaxing that one day after we all played a ladderball tournament together and a board game and people began suggesting a third game I did not hesitate in letting everyone know, “I need to take a break!” To which everyone responded, “a break from what?!” It was pretty funny.
From Sterling we went to CJ’s parent’s cabin on Owasco Lake for a long Memorial Day weekend…five days long to be exact! We spent the days reading by the lake, whittling, fishing, stomping up the creek to waterfalls, playing ladderball, swinging on a huge rope swing, kneeboarding/tubing, relaxing on the porch, hunting for old bottles, and sitting around the fire. We were joined by Keela, Mark, Stacie, and Mike and I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all. The mood was so relaxing that one day after we all played a ladderball tournament together and a board game and people began suggesting a third game I did not hesitate in letting everyone know, “I need to take a break!” To which everyone responded, “a break from what?!” It was pretty funny.

September 8, 2009 - Travel Day/Gettysburg, PA/Duke, NC
CJ and I started making our way to Florida. That day we drove through New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Our final destination for the day was Duke University to stay with CJ’s friend from college, Hannah, who is attending seminary there. As neither of us had ever been to Gettysburg we stopped on the way and had a picnic. We spent a couple hours walking around the Gettysburg cemetery, reading monuments, and chatting about the battle and what the atmosphere might have been like when President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address. After twelve hours on the road reading books out loud to each other, talking, napping, taking pictures of state road signs, and stopping so I could pee we arrived in Durham and had a relaxing evening of Domino’s pizza, wine, and good conversation.
September 9, 2009 - Travel Day/Atlanta, GA
The next morning we walked around the Duke botanical gardens and the Duke chapel before heading to Atlanta, GA to spend the night with CJ’s friend from high school, Michael…popular guy that CJ, I know! That evening Michael, CJ, and I ate at Ted’s Montana Grill. They had a wide assortment of bison on the menu which we all took advantage of and thoroughly enjoyed!

September 10, 2009 - Atlanta, GA/Jacksonville, FL
Michael freed up his schedule to spend time with us so the three of us visited the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. If you are ever in Atlanta or even remotely near Atlanta you MUST go there…it was one of the most educational, emotional, and inspiring places I have ever been. The site included MLK Jr.’s tomb, an exhibit of his work and accomplishments related to the Civil Rights Movement, the home he was born in and lived the first 12 years of his life, an amazing garden communicating the teachings of Ghandi and MLK Jr. through different types of roses, and monuments highlighting other human rights leaders. From there it was off to Moe’s for lunch then to the Georgia Tech football stadium to visit my friend, Ishien, before hitting the road for Jacksonville, FL. In Jacksonville we spent the night with my cousins Ashley and Ryan (and their dog Emmit). That was the first night since the one we spent at CJ’s parents house September 2 that we had electricity, running water, and a bed to sleep in all at one place!! Ashley and I always have a lot of fun together and I love staying with Ashley and Ryan so I was super excited for CJ to meet them. We enjoyed a delicious meal Ashley prepared for us then had a perfect evening watching football and laughing together.
Michael freed up his schedule to spend time with us so the three of us visited the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. If you are ever in Atlanta or even remotely near Atlanta you MUST go there…it was one of the most educational, emotional, and inspiring places I have ever been. The site included MLK Jr.’s tomb, an exhibit of his work and accomplishments related to the Civil Rights Movement, the home he was born in and lived the first 12 years of his life, an amazing garden communicating the teachings of Ghandi and MLK Jr. through different types of roses, and monuments highlighting other human rights leaders. From there it was off to Moe’s for lunch then to the Georgia Tech football stadium to visit my friend, Ishien, before hitting the road for Jacksonville, FL. In Jacksonville we spent the night with my cousins Ashley and Ryan (and their dog Emmit). That was the first night since the one we spent at CJ’s parents house September 2 that we had electricity, running water, and a bed to sleep in all at one place!! Ashley and I always have a lot of fun together and I love staying with Ashley and Ryan so I was super excited for CJ to meet them. We enjoyed a delicious meal Ashley prepared for us then had a perfect evening watching football and laughing together.
September 11, 2009 - Jacksonville, FL/Alachua, FL
I took CJ to see Jacksonville University where I did my first year and a half of college. We drove once around the campus then walked down to the boathouse on the St. Johns River where I was a coxswain on the JU rowing team. Back on the road we drove to Alachua, FL to spend the that day and the next day with my aunt Jan and uncle Rick. I had a great time living with Jan and Rick last summer so this was another stop I was really excited for CJ and I to make together so he could meet more of the important people in my life. Jan took us to an amazingly fattening and southern lunch at The Ivy House then to an antique mall, where she has a couple booths, before relaxing at her home the rest of the day. She made some yummy enchiladas for dinner and Jan, Rick, CJ, and I spent the evening playing cards…a Gribble tradition. The high of the night had to be CJ performing card tricks for Rick and Jan…their faces were classic.
September 12, 2009 - Tampa, FL/Lakeland, FL
September 12, 2009 - Tampa, FL/Lakeland, FL
Jan, CJ, and I drove to Tampa, FL to watch the Nebraska Cornhuskers play on tv with a Nebraska fan club. The Huskers beat Arkansas State 38-9!! It was CJ’s first time watching my beloved Huskers…so I was really happy they won haha. The closest thing he had to a red Nebraska shirt was his red Phillies shirt…which worked but I can guarantee he will become the proud owner of a red Nebraska shirt at least by Christmas! After the game Jan, CJ, and I went to Gosh!, a sushi restaurant, for a surprise dinner party for my cousin, Julie. CJ got to meet two more cousins, Jay and Julie, and have his first real sushi experience. Me, being a sushi veteran, did most of the ordering. CJ was a great sport and ate everything I ordered…including raw quail eggs. We had a ball! From dinner we had a couple hours drive home to Englewood where we were asleep before our heads hit the pillows.

September 13, 2009 – Englewood, FL
September 13, 2009 – Englewood, FL
CJ and I hung out in Englewood with my family for the day. We unloaded my Beverly Hill Billy looking truck and packed Kyle’s suburban for the second half of our road trip out to El Paso, TX. Pretty sure neither of us have ever sweat so much in our lives!
September 14, 2009 – Travel Day/Pensacola, FL
September 14, 2009 – Travel Day/Pensacola, FL
On the road again!! Our destination for this long driving day was Pensacola, FL to stay with CJ’s friend from high school, Roger, who is in the Navy there. After passing through relatively short states on the trip down it was amazing to drive for 9 hours straight and remain in the same state! (Of course as we found out a few days later that was nothing compared to the entire width of Texas). That evening Roger, one of his roommates, CJ, and I went out for pizza at the Mellow Mushroom. BEST PIZZA EVER! CJ and I shared a “Philosopher’s Pie” with steak, feta, artichoke hearts, olives, etc…oh my wow…finger lickin’ good.
September 15, 2009 – New Orleans, LA
September 15, 2009 – New Orleans, LA
We had a relaxing morning reading on the balcony and chatting with Roger then headed to New Orleans, LA! I got the pleasure of learning from Roger about CJ’s ingenious idea to cover their high school basketball court in pennies as a fundraiser for Coaches with Cancer and their senior class! I wasn’t surprised something like that came out of CJ…but I was still impressed haha. We arrived in New Orleans mid-afternoon, checked into The Olde Time Inn, and ventured to the French Quarter. We spent the rest of the day and evening walking around the French Quarter admiring art and architecture. After one walk down Bourdon Street we agreed that was something neither of us cared to experience again so we stuck to the side streets. For dinner we ate an authentic Louisiana meal of crawfish etouffee and alligator sausage at The Praline Connection. 

September 16, 2009 – New Orleans, LA
September 16, 2009 – New Orleans, LA
We started the day off playing cards at an outdoor café before walking through the Farmer’s Market in the French Quarter and then exploring many art galleries. Our favorite artist was James Michalopoulos who does bright oil paintings of architecture appearing to slope, soar, and sway. Someday we might be able to afford one of his pieces…but not likely. Later we went to a couple local music shops then had an amazing lunch of friend green tomatoes with a crawfish sauce on it, stuffed blue crab, friend calamari, and seafood stuffed mushrooms. After lunch we returned to an area of art vendors around Jackson Square and CJ got a really neat piece from a man who paints colorful scenes of musicians playing in the French Quarter on pieces of slate. Shortly after that I encountered my first experience of street preaching which I found interesting, odd, and enjoyable all at the same time! That evening we hung out at a place called SBC listening to a young group of guys who consider themselves a brass, rock, funk band…which proved to be another interesting, odd, and enjoyable experience.
September 17, 2009 – Travel Day/Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge/Texas
September 17, 2009 – Travel Day/Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge/Texas
We went a little out of the way when departing New Orleans in order to cross the Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge. At 24 miles, it is the LONGEST BRIDGE IN THE WORLD!! We drove over it listening to CJ’s New Orleans Dumpstaphunk cd and marveling at the human ingenuity it took to create the bridge. That day we drove a total of 13 hours and spent the night in Ozona, Texas. That sounds like a miserably long time to be in a vehicle but having been on the road for over two weeks by then it didn’t faze us and we really enjoyed seeing a different part of the country and talking…a lot!
September 18, 2009 – El Paso, TX/Fort Bliss, TX
September 18, 2009 – El Paso, TX/Fort Bliss, TX
We had an easy 5 hour drive to El Paso, our final destination of the road part of our trip, and met up with my brother, Kyle, who is in the Army and currently stationed at Fort Bliss. Getting to El Paso and having a few days to hang out with Kyle was very special for me. The visit began by Kyle and a couple of his buddies giving us a small tour of the base, considering it is the largest one in the United States, before going out to dinner. That night we watched a movie then met and hung out with more of his Army buddies.
CJ and I played c
ards in the morning then Kyle took me for a really fun motorcycle ride on Trans Mountain. It shocked me but I actually started to consider getting a bike of my own at some point! After the ride we went to a block party where there was live Latino music and a variety of vendors. Earlier in the day they held a sidewalk chalk contest. We were all really impre
ssed by the art people had done in chalk! Later we went to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse so I could try “the best rolls ever” in Kyle’s opinion…I ended up filling up on the rolls and saving my entire dinner to eat the next day haha. Back at the base we watched a movie and hit the sack. 
September 20, 2009 – Fort Bliss, TX
September 20, 2009 – Fort Bliss, TX
Like always I woke up a couple hours before everyone else and read my Bible. Once everyone was awake we went to Ihop and had a really fun brunch! After that we headed to the mall so Kyle’s buddy, Murray, could purchase an engagement ring for his girlfriend. While driving into the mall parking lot we noticed a car show and decided to walk around. I really enjoy car shows and have been to many…but none like this one. Rather than there being many classic cars, there were only two muscle cars and many tricked out low-rider trucks and modern cars decorated with props suggestive of drug paraphernalia. It was a very different cultural experience than any of us had ever had and the four of us stood out like birds in a fish tank. I think cross-cultural experiences are important for everyone to seek out and engage in so I was thankful that we walked around the car show for that…but like Bourbon Street it is not something I need to experience again. Later we watched a movie and a relaxing cookout. The guys have “movie night” every night.
September 21, 2009 – Fort Bliss, TX/Tampa,FL
September 21, 2009 – Fort Bliss, TX/Tampa,FL
While Kyle was at PT early in the morning CJ and I packed. After Kyle got through with PT, before he had to go to “work,” he took us to the airport for our flight to Tampa, FL. It was really hard when he dropped us off because I didn’t know when I would see him again and still don’t. At this point he won’t be home until Christmas at which time I’ll be in Kenya. I am hopeful that he will not be deployed to Afghanistan and I can visit him when I return from Ecuador in May…man that is a long time. Please pray for him.

Since we have been in Florida CJ and I have each applied to a couple dozen jobs without success. This has presented a problem considering a major reason for coming here was so we could work and save money for Kenya and Ecuador. As a result we have had to get creative!! I have been cleaning out my bedroom selling stuff on ebay and craigslist. I’m also trying to get what I call a “Learning Log” published. CJ is writing and publishing articles on The link to his profile containing all of his articles is: Check them out! He has also been working hard (and having fun) recording songs for a cd he wants to put out before we go to Kenya!
Besides that we have been spending time with my family, helping my parents with various projects, going to the beach, and sweating…a lot. CJ is busy applying to grad schools and I am working hard trying to get six months of school work for my teaching certification done prior to leaving for Kenya December 9, training for my first triathlon (sprint distance), and learning Spanish.
Life just keeps getting better!!