Question: When was the last American drafted into the U.S. military?
If you answered during the Vietnam War, I would have to disagree. If fact, if you said anytime prior to today, you are probably wrong. Maybe yesterday at the most.
This is because the current U.S. “volunteer” military is largely a draft of the poor, unemployed, and undereducated. Sure there are a few who grow up planning to join the military, but there are others, MANY others, who do it out of sheer economic necessity. A few months ago I spent a long weekend on Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. While there, I hung out with probably a dozen young soldiers, all of which enlisted because they could not find a job and either could not afford college or were not mentally ready for college at that point in their lives. Recruiters enticed them with a salary, bonus checks, a buff body, job skills, sharp looking class-As, money for college, “honor,” a brotherhood, etc. It saddened me to meet all these kids who signed up for economic reasons, hoping to never go to war.
Why must the Government lure us in with such things? Here are two reasons. One, because our moral intuitions tell us that killing another human is wrong. And not only our moral intuitions, but also our parents, our former Sunday school teachers, and our Government itself! Each of these groups ingrains in us the fact that killing is wrong, which is great because our moral intuition agrees. For instance, we pay taxes to fund police officers, prosecutors, and investigators because killing is against the law, because it is wrong. We know that if we kill another person the consequence is either capital punishment or life imprisonment.
But wait a second, isn’t the Government that decides and enforces this the same Government that convinces us to enlist in the military; where to kill brings “honor” and medals upon ones’ self?! It is! Now I am confused. My Government says that if I, acting as a civilian, take the life of another human I have committed the most horrific, immoral crime, and will be punished accordingly. But, if I, acting as a soldier, take the life of another human or one hundred humans or one thousand humans, I will be glorified. OF COURSE recruiters must strongly appeal to us economically, and otherwise, because what they’re sponsoring completely contradicts the truth that we both instinctively know and also have been taught (by them)!
Another reason our Government works so hard to persuade us into joining the military is because “[w]ars do not have to be sold to the general public if they can be carried out by an all-volunteer professional military” (M. Kurlansky). I have read that the Vietnam War was hugely unpopular. Although this did nothing in teaching our Government the evil of warfare in general, they did learn to avoid a legal draft, in order to keep people quieter. As a result, we don’t think a draft is taking place currently. We are wrong. “Every time a voice is heard of the privileged, a politician, a business leader, Major League Baseball, Hollywood, one of the millionaires who present television news, saluting ‘the courage of our fighting men and women,’ who they claim – against all logic – are ‘defending our freedom,’ listen closely and you will hear…the rich bamboozling the poor” (M. Kurlansky). Every time a commercial airs such war propaganda as, “Strong. Army Strong” or “The Few…The Proud…The Marines” we are viewing an unfortunate and effective draft of at least the poor, the unemployed, and the undereducated.
A true story: “…Clifford Cornell of Arkansas, three years out of high school and jobless, walked into an army recruitment office in a shopping mall. Interviewed in Toronto [three years later], he said, ‘I didn’t know anything about Afghanistan or the possibility of going to Iraq.’ The Army recruiter had promised that he would never be sent overseas. ‘His job is to lie,’ said Cornell. ‘I have learned through two years in the military that most of what they tell you is a lie. They have to lie to get people to sign up…All I heard is ‘If you sign up for this you get a $9,000 bonus.’ ’
When Cornell learned he was being shipped out to Iraq, he went to his sergeant and said, ‘I’m not supposed to be shipped overseas. The recruiter said so.’ The sergeant just laughed.” Cornell drove to Toronto and deserted. “ ‘It was not an easy choice,’ he said. ‘You are trained in the military to have loyalty to your buddies.’ ”
Cornell’s story, in terms of how he was drafted and the treatment he received in the military, is not the exception.
Young men and women are being persuaded to enlist in the military and it is working simply due to a lack of options. I remember attending Project Graduation the night I graduated high school, in which my senior class stayed up until 6am playing games and hanging out together at a church. Upon entering the church we were each given a t-shirt to wear that night. Inspired from the theme of the night, Dr. Seuss’s “Oh the Places You’ll Go,” the front of the shirt portrayed a signpost offering the Lemon Bay High School class of 2003 a whopping three routes to take after the festivities of that night ended. One arrow pointed to the workforce, one pointed to college, and the third pointed to the military. Unfortunately, the workforce can’t always handle the population of willing workers, as is the current situation. Similarly, young people don’t always have the financial means or the readiness/maturity right out of high school to enroll in college, which are both entirely understandable. The only option left is one in which we the people experience all the disadvantages of a legal draft, while the Government experiences all the advantages of a legal draft.
After you, as a poor, unemployed, or undereducated person, sign up for the military it can do anything it wants with you and you can’t do anything about it, because you willing signed up. But did you?
I urge you to help young people avoid the draft by securing opportunities that actually are voluntary.
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